R Manuals

This web site provides a mirror of the key documentation for the R project. These versions of the manuals are created primarily by the injection of a new visual style for readability and ease of navigation. Other modification is extremely minimal, but the canonical versions of these manuals are always those available through CRAN. All of this material is edited by the R Core Team.

The manuals available are as follows.

Note that the LaTeX or Texinfo sources of the latest version of these documents are contained in every R source distribution (in subdirectory doc/manual of the extracted archive). Older versions of the manuals can be found in the R source archives. The HTML versions of the manuals are also part of most R installations (accessible using function help.start()).

Only English versions of the manuals are available on this site. For translations and other additional documentation, please see the contributed documentation section on CRAN.

Source code for the scripts used to generate this web site can be found on GitHub.